
The Fruitcal product family is comprised of  calcium-concentrated fertilisers that provide the necessary nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) to meet the nutritional needs of the most demanding crops from the start of vegetative development to full fruit ripening. They are specifically designed for crops that require a high calcium supply, such as nectarines, cherries, tomatoes, vegetables and apples, since these species are particularly sensitive to nutritional deficiencies that affect fruit quality, such as firmness, size and post-harvest shelf life. Fruitcal contributes to balanced growth and improved the yields of these key crops.

Formulación Descripción
Fruitcal 2-2-11+2Ca0+1MgO

An NPK fertiliser with calcium indicated for the fruit fattening phase.

Fruitcal 5-1-8+3Ca0+1MgO

An NPK fertiliser with calcium indicated for the middle phase of the vegetative cycle.

Fruitcal 8-2-10+2CaO

An NPK fertiliser with calcium indicated for the middle phase of the vegetative cycle.

Fruitcal 9-3-3+5Ca0+1MgO

An NPK fertiliser with calcium that is very effective in providing nutritional support at the beginning of the vegetative cycle.

Fruitcal 12-4-2+2CaO

An NPK fertiliser with calcium that is ideal for young crops.

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