Procal plus

Prevention and reduction of physiopathies caused by deficiencies or imbalances in calcium assimilation.

Due to its high quality, PROCAL PLUS can be used both for cold storage and to prevent calcium deficiencies in crops affected by bitter pit or corking disorders in apples, physiological cracking in nectarines and cherries, aseptic apical rot in peppers and tomatoes, etc.

Composition p/p p/v
CALCIUM as calcium oxide (CaO) 15% 19.5%
Calcium chloride (CaCl2) 30% 39%

Modo de empleo:

Due to the possible occurrence of undesirable reactions, it is best not to mix it with other crop protection products.


  • 13 Kg (10L) containers.
  • 26 kg (20L) containers.
  • 32 kg (25L) containers.
  • 1,300Kg (1000 L) containers.
  • Bulk product

Dosis y epoca de aplicación:

Cultivation Type of application Dose Time of application
Vegetables Foliar 300 cc/Hl Tomato: between 1st and 4th flowering. Others: from the beginning of fruit growth.
Fruit trees Irrigation water 6-8 L/Ha Distribute in 2-3 applications during fruit growth.
Citrus fruit Foliar 300 cc/Hl 3-4 applications from fruit set 15-20 days apart.
Citrus fruit Irrigation water 10-12 L/Ha Distribute in 3-4 applications as soon as the fruit sets.

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