Fertical radicular

Fertical Radicular is a product designed to stimulate the continuous appearance of new root hairs and therefore improve the absorption of all nutrients (macro and microelements).
On the other hand, since it is a product with a high content of assimilable calcium, Fertical Radicular corrects deficiencies and imbalances caused by a lack of calcium.

This correction of calcium deficiencies is based on the fact that calcium is only absorbed by newly-formed young roots: Fertical Radicular combines a double effect, the supply of assimilable calcium and the induction of the formation of these new roots.

Fertical Radicular also provides amino acids that improve the microbial activity of the soil as well as organic matter and potassium, the absorption of which improves all aspects of fruit quality: colour, smell, size, …

In addition, Fertical Radicular has a notable unblocking effect, acting as a salinity corrector and inducing the elimination of sodium (Na), improving soil structure.

Detailed product information

Composition p/p
Water-soluble calcium oxide (CaO) 10.0%
Free amino acids 2.5%
Water-soluble potassium oxide (K2O) 5.0%
Organic matter 6.0%

*Complexing agent: lignosulphonic acids

Modo de empleo:

Presentation: 25L drums on pallets. 1,000L containers.

Dosis y epoca de aplicación:

Crop Dose (cc/hl)
Fruit trees 50-100 liters/ha spread over 3-5 irrigations.
Citrus fruit 100-150 liters/ha spread over 3-5 irrigations.
Horticulture 100-150 liters/ha spread over 3-5 irrigations.
Strawberry 100-140 liters/ha spread over 3-5 irrigations.

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