
FERTIMAG is a chelated magnesium deficiency corrector that can be used on all types of herbaceous and woody crops.

Detailed product information

Composition p/v p/p
Magnesium (MgO) 11.3% 8.5%
Nitrate nitrogen 6.5% 4.9%

*Complexing agent: lignosulphonic acid.
The complete fraction remains stable in the pH range: 3-9.

Modo de empleo:

FERTIMAG can be used together with the usual treatments against pests and diseases, except for mineral oils, sulphur and sulphates.

Presentation: boxes of 4 containers (4*5L=20L) on 720 L pallets.

Dosis y epoca de aplicación:

Foliar application: 1-1.5 L/ha from sprouting until July.

Fertigation: citrus with blanket irrigation 15-20 L/ha and irrigation, citrus in drip irrigation 10-15 L/ha and irrigation from sprouting until July.

Fruit trees: drip 10-20 L/ha and week (60-80 L/ha and year), blanket irrigation 15-25 L/ha and irrigation (100-120 L/ha and year). Horticultural crops 20-30 L/ha and irrigation 1-2 repetitions in drip irrigation and in blanket irrigation 30-40 L/ha and irrigation with 2-3 repetitions.

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