Fertisol PCL

The Fertisol PCL fertiliser ranges is formulated for soils with high salinity or irrigation with high conductivity. These chlorine-free or low-chlorine products have various formulations adapted to the nutritional needs of different crops, promoting efficient nutrient absorption without the risks of chlorine. Fertisol PCL improves soil structure and protects crops in adverse conditions, ensuring healthy and constant growth, optimising plant productivity and quality, even in saline soils.

Presentation: 1,000L containers and tank.

Formulación Descripción

A low-chloride NPK fertiliser that is widely used in the final stages of fruit growth.


A low-chloride NPK fertiliser that supplies phosphorus and potassium, providing little nitrogen to better adjust the required units.


A balanced, low-chloride, NPK fertiliser for the whole growing season.


A low-chloride NPK fertiliser prepared for young trees and with a higher proportion of nitrogen than the rest.

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